November 28th 1919 to December 9th 1991
Marj at the age of 66 years was a student on the first Cossroads DTS in Wellington (NZ) in 1986. Marj went on outreach to the South Pacific Islands. Following outreach Marj went to work with YWAM in Christchurch. She stayed at the base until it closed late in1988. Marj then went to Orama where she worked with YWAM Family Ministries until she became unwell in August 1991. Marj died in December following a short illness. Marj’s eldest daughter Rosalie Heath followed her into YWAM and is currently (2010) at Crystal Springs, Matamata (NZ).
Marj had a real love and compassion for young people and was especially able to help and minister to young women. Before going to YWAM, Marj worked at Landmark in Hamilton, a home for girls. Marj was a great encourager and greatly loved by all who knew her. Marj was mum to many and is greatly missed by her children and grandchildren.