On April 15, 2015, YWAM Spain awoke in mourning.
Bob Lichty, one of the first missionaries in our mission, including in Spain, is with the Lord! Bob left a great legacy for future generations and we are eternally grateful for his dedication and passion for the kingdom of God!

As of today, there are 95 friends who have commented on Bob and Vicki’s Facebook page. You can look at those comments at https://www.facebook.com/bobvicki.lichty if you are friends. These are deeply encouraging and inspiring comments and show the impact that Bob had on this generation, on Youth With A Mission, on Israel and on many, many friends. Thank you Bob and Vicki for your labor of love to the Lord and parenting /grandparenting to so many. May God walk with you Vicki and family as you grieve and may your joy be full as you remember the incredible legacy of Bob.
We give thanks to God for the life and legacy of Bob Lichty. We had heard about Bob and Vicki when we did our SOE training in Lausanne in 1974. Their pioneering efforts in Spain and amongst those on the hippy trail were legendary. As of today, there are 95 comments from friends of Bob and they show what kind of man he was. We celebrate his life, we grieve and mourn with Vicki and all who loved Bob and may your memories be sweet as you remember in these days ahead. Check out as well BobVickiLichty on Facebook. Know of our prayers Vicki.
From Delores Krug Barnes
April 15 at 9:50am ·
As I sit here reading the wall of Bob Vicki Lichty, tears stream down my face. Back to Feb 1998, little did I know of who Bob and Vicki were as I committed to work with them till the end of that year. That year ended up being 10 years of a life changing transition in my life! Packing up and going whenever Bob said ‘go’. We went. I met so many folks and I know the lives that Bob touched and made a difference. Showing the Father’s love and heart and discipline when needed. A true man of God that loved. Never complaining even when he had to give up to be in the wheel chair. But even that did not slow him down. When the Heavenly Father called him to go, he went. He blessed so many around the world.
He married me to my first husband in May 2008 and then helped me walk thru the death of him and my parents. And a year ago gave me away to my new husband. But yet our lives were intertwined and he was still so much a part of my new little family.
I do count it a privilege that God gave me the opportunity to serve and live those 10 special years with Bob and Vicki. Now my prayer that I can live up to the Legacy that Bob leaves behind. His love for The Lord, for others and to his wife, Vicki. They made their home a ‘Blessing Center’ and carried that blessing around the world. Those who met him, he left an impact on!
I know one day we will all be united but that doesn’t stop the tears of missing him now. I love hearing the stories of the difference he made in each of our lives. One person being obedient to the call of God on their life can leave a huge impact for others to know of the True Character of God, His love for us sending Jesus His son to die on the cross, His desire to have a relationship with us all, to be our Comforter in times of trouble. Bob knew how to show the Heavenly Father’s love to draw us to Him.
I will miss him dearly.
From Martha Ray Dean
April 15 at 7:42am ·
Oh my, where are the words . . . Thank you Lord, for the gift Bob was in so many lives, the encouragement and wisdom he shared, the opportunities and open doors he made available to those who would walk through. We rejoice that he is with His Lord and Savior and ask that you bring him to our remembrance every time we need a reminder of going the extra mile, reaching out in love, discipling others, praying Your Kingdom come and becoming / being who You made us to be.
Vicki, speaking peace and love over you . . . and thanks for the wonderful example you and Bob have been of covenant. Honor and blessings, Martha
From Deanna McKinney
April 15 at 5:03am ·
This is for Bob and Vicki,
I am teary-eyed and yet I applaud. I wish I could be there with you Vicki and cry with you as you say goodbye for this season to your running companion and lover . THANK YOU BOTH FOR YOUR LOVE AND YOUR FAITHFULNESS IN SHARING LOVE EVERYWHERE YOU GO.
Bob has always been a Champion runner with Vicki at his side. A huge thank you to both of you, because you kept running the race even when Bob’s physical legs gave out . You set up a Blessing Center in Virginia , but then you ran…taking that center of blessing with you whenever you traveled.
If I could be there with you Vicki, I would hold you with a big hug . Yesterday Bob crossed the finish line of this part of the race here on earth and HE RAN THE RACE WELL with you , Vicki, at his side. I can imagine him now with the apostle Paul in heaven getting a gold medal. But the real gold medal is the eternal gold of living eternally in the very presence of God along with so many others who have won the race and finished the course.
I think that the Bob Lichty that I knew at so many moments of my life would look us all in the eyes and tell us to keep running the race, to never lose hope and never stop celebrating life. SO PRECIOUS BOB, I WANT TO BE A CARRIER OF YOUR MESSAGE OF KEEPING HOPE AND CELEBRATING LIFE, AND GIVING LIFE TO MANY. YOU HAVE BEEN SUCH A BLESSING!!!!!
I love the fact that during Bob’s last moments you were all worshiping with,”It is well with my soul”. While I am mourning with you, Vicki, I pray that you sense the wellness of soul even in this season of sorrow.
From Ally Barnreuther
April 15 at 3:00am · Edited ·
Algo se muere en el alma —cuando un amigo se va —
Something in your soul dies– when a friend departs
Thank you Bob Vicki Lichty for all that you were and how that reflected in everything you did. Thank you for ALWAYS being willing to open up your heart and share what you had and love unconditionally. Thank you for showing the Father to me – Thank you for showing me that TRUE love did exist. Thank you for having fun and enjoying life- Thank you for loving Vicki as you did and teaching us how a good marriage could be – Thank you – thank you- Thank you! Your parting leaves a hole – it’s true – but I know that God is saying “Well done good and faithful servant – enter into the joy of your Lord! I know you are dancing and singing – free from the limitations of your body – and getting things ready for all of us to join you smile emoticon I love you♥
From Kirstin Kiki Davy
April 14 at 11:06pm · Port Hueneme, CA, United States ·
This planet will never understand what a great man we lost today, whose suffering is no more and who is rejoicing up Above… But we who knew Bob Lichty smile sadly and remember his love and wisdom throughout the years and all the lives he touched.
From Rachel G Lovell
April 14 at 7:06pm · Glasgow, United Kingdom ·
Vicki, you both have a special place in my heart, and I am shocked and saddened at you loss, wish I could be there with you to make you a cuppa and give you a big hug. Tears are falling, as I remember the positive part that Bob played in my life and how much love and acceptance he showed, which in turn taught me to grow in confidence.
I have thought often about you both, and at Bob’s courage as he, and you coped with difficulties with mobility. May you know just how much you are cared for and may the Healer of Hearts, bring comfort to you at this time. You have sown much as you cared for Bob besides all the hospitality that you have given.
I pray that at this time you will in turn receive all that you need over the coming days. I can imagine Bob throwing away the wheelchair the moment he reached heaven, and I am sure he traded it in for a cool super fast car. Loads of love and prayers.
From Jim Andrews
April 16 at 7:52pm ·
Love you Bob…as you’re still “here,” as God is not the God of the dead, but of the living…and “in His Presence is Fullness of Joy,” which Bob is experiencing right now…with no more pain.
We’ll miss his wisdom, his smile, his encouragement, and the guts to keep on going all over the world to help so many people, wheelchair or not, no matter what the pain…with his beloved Vicki – A Great Team!
In thinking about how far and wide the Lichty Team has traveled to share the Wonder of The Lord’s Presence, as Bob has “finished his course,” he could be compared to a tree…fallen now, but with many hundreds of branches which have touched so many people in so many places.
Lifehouse – “I Miss You”
So far away from where you are
I’m standing underneath the stars
And I wish you were here
I miss the years that were erased
I miss the way the sunshine would light up your face
I miss all the little things
I never thought that they’d mean everything to me
Yeah I miss you
And I wish you were here
I feel the beating of your heart
I see the shadows of your face
Just know that wherever you are
Yeah I miss you
And I wish you were here
…love ya…
From Héctor Ramírez
April 19 at 5:11am · Edited ·
Dear Vicky, we´re so thankful to God for your lives and testimony of God´s love and fatherhood. You´ve been parents, friends and grandparents to many of us. The three of us are in shock of the whole situation but also in joy knowing that Bob is now in the best of places and enjoying what he always wanted.
Danny says he misses you both so much now that he knows Bob won´t be there any more to give him a hug. Of course we all would love to be there for the Celebration, but as you know it´s not possible for us. So we´d love to participate through streaming if that´s possible.
Hugs, blessings and love from us three.
From Sabrina Johnson
I have been trying to find the right words to say, but there just aren’t any. I am so sorry to hear of Bob’s passing. My heart aches for you. You would think will all of the people that have passed in my life, that I would be better at this, but I am not. It was good to hear that he had family and friends around him, and praying for him.
I wish we could be there to do whatever it is that you need. It’s times like this that I feel helpless being so far away. Know that you are in our thoughts and prayers. With love, Corey and Sabrina.
From Patrick Dunne
April 15 at 11:59am · New York, NY, United States ·
Bob Vicki Lichty We have been in tears since we heard this news. The truth is there was a dark silence that broke amongst all of us. It is amazing the long journey and domino effect Bob had on our family.
First as my mom remembers the early days in Spain where he served as a father figure and source of inspiration to my mom on the global effect the word of God can have. Then came the days when we thought we would never leave NY and God sent us as a family to of all places….VA. Then who ended up being our neighbor….Bob & Vicki.
Bob then got to have a massive effect on my father who was born and raised Catholic but was able to be ministered thru Bob infectious love for God and their mutual love of History and I believe the fact my father is saved and has a personal relationship with Jesus is because of Bob and then came myself and my brother…witnessing Bobs impact on people young and old and on all sides of life and the world was inspiring. I will remember his quick wit and humor and his professorial talks!
I am so blessed for my family because I got to know Bob. Delores Krug Barnes is a living testament to Bobs love and ministry. Her fire for God is a result of a seed that got manifested through Bob.
Vicki and Delores we cry with you, and as hard as it i we find peace knowing he is running with Jesus. I will always remember and be grateful for his domino effect. Vicki and Dee we want to see you all SOON! Also, please let us know a good time to talk.We Love You!!!!
I remember meeting Bob and Vicki when they stayed at the base for a number of weeks in 1994. I was serving in hospitality.
I remember Being humbled that Bob and Vicki would speak to me and take an interest in my life.
I will always remember Bob challenging me with the question
“You must ask the lord why he brought you to Spain”
May the lord comfort you Vicki and bless the work of ywam Spain.
As I read these comments from those who love and remember Bob, memories of Hope House in Tangier Morocco in 1974 come to mind.
My girlfriend and I flew to Europe to travel; planning on backpacking to as many countries as we could.
We first found out way to Tangier, intending to stay only a few days to deliver a message to Bob and Vicki from a friend back in Canada.
The stay extended to about 5 months for me as the Lord became real to me then and my life changed. Bob and Vicki took me into their discipleship program with the other young people who accepted Jesus as our Lord and Saviour.
The time there seems so long ago but I will always remember this couple who loved me where I was at, and taught me, a reluctant convert, to trust Jesus with my life.
The Lord used this wonderful couple to teach me many things as a new Christian. They helped many young people who were coming from a background of ‘hippy life’ into a ‘true free life’ of love and service to Christ.
This was part of the Jesus movement in the 70’s – I came home to Canada and became part of a church on fire for God.
Bob, I look forward to the day when I can talk with you in Heaven and thank you; and Vicki, thank you for your kind untiring love that nurtured me the first months of my life in Christ.