Dengziki was a 42 year old Indian citizen from Mizoram. She had served in YWAM for 18-19 years. She did her DTS in Calcutta and served on staff there. She was one of the first South Asians to lead SOFMs and pioneered the way for many Northeastern Indians to be released into missions, particularly in China. She was a leader of leaders and though a behind the scenes leader, a powerful mentor of many. Her loss continues to be deeply felt by her many co-workers and friends.
August 2, 2007
Dear family, friends, and fellow-workers of Dengziki,
I am sorry that I can not join you now at the memorial service but wanted to express my own condolences and those of the many frontier workers around the globe who stand still today and grieve with you.
Many years ago, Dengziki’s Creator called to her and sent her on a journey. A journey that led far from her home and the family she loved. In devotion to her heavenly Father, she sought what pleased Him and did it. While it is difficult to not dwell on a tragic death and loss, let us lift up our downcast spirits and reflect on a life well-lived.
Dengziki understood God’s concern, His heart, that all peoples know Him. She was a teacher. She was a leader. She imparted this passion for God and His vision to others, who imparted it to yet others. The schools she pioneered will continue. The trainers she mentored will continue training. The students she taught will go on reaching the lost. They will begin new churches which will also begin even more new churches. Her work multiplies. Although her earthly life is over, her legacy carries on into eternity. One day when all accounts are rendered in heaven, the life that Dengziki committed to her Lord will see the generations of impact and her reward. May we all live such lives.
In John 12:24 of the Bible, Jesus says, “I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.” Although I do not doubt that physical death can produce further fruit, let me note that Dengziki “fell to the ground” many years ago and “died” to her sin and selfish ambition. Because of that, as this verse foretells, her sacrifice produced much. May we all live such lives.
For those who do not already share Dengziki’s dedication to the Lord Jesus Christ, may you also fall on your knees and call upon Him now for saving grace to forgive your sins and enter into relationship with Him.
For those of you who know God but do not share Dengziki’s dedication to the Lord’s work on earth, may you call upon Him now and commit to live with eternal purpose.
For those who do know the Lord and do share Dengziki’s dedication, let us re-commit our lives to the noble purposes of God. We will see her again, but that time is not yet. Until then, may His Spirit fill us anew, anoint us, and empower us to carry on her vision of reaching the unreached peoples in India, China, and the whole world. It is the time of harvest and we must carry on.
As you mourn, may the Lord’s comfort enfold you like a warm, secure blanket. May His grace fill your heart with peace. Be assured that He is the God who is near to you.
Many blessings,
Gina Fadely
Dengziki was one of the pillars in the entire leadership of YWAM India. She was a person truly “sold out” to the Lord and one who lived for His glory. At the time of her death, she was bringing a student to DTS. She left us in the midst of doing service for the King.
For us in YWAM India, her loss was incalculable. One of our models, one who showed us Jesus in her daily life, has gone. I’m thankful that some can read this and realize what a quality servant of the Lord she was.
Mike Bordon
Chennai, India
Words still dont come to me easily when I try to speak about Dengziki though it has been more than a year since her going to be with the Lord. Dengziki was my partner in ministry here, in pioneering and building an FM work among Northeastern Indians, she was like my “right arm”. I felt so incredibly handicapped when she was so suddenly gone from us. I continue to “walk with a limp” in a way, often missing her insights and wisdom, her presence in our office and lives.
Yet, Dengzikis life has impacted so many and she finished her race well. She went through heaven’s gates close to God and in the field of ministry God had placed her. She faithfully served her Lord and continued to pioneer for Him.
The last vision that was in her heart was to see Northeastern Indians going to Cambodia. We pray that this desire of God’s he had shared with her will become reality.
There are pages and pages I could write of her impact on me and others. May God raise up many more Dengzikis.
We still miss her and remember our dear friend.