Ebel Kremer

Died 25 February 2011, aged 36
By Vikki Wright

“Truth is absolute!” declared Ebel Kremer, and he demonstrated it by dropping a Coca-Cola bottle onto the cement floor of the classroom.  The bottle shattered, we jumped, and Ebel grinned, saying, “Just as the truth of gravity is absolute, so the Truth of Jesus is absolute!”  That was one of the most important values that Ebel lived by, and he spoke passionately about it. Tragically, Ebel spoke his last during the early morning hours on Friday, 25th February, 2011 when armed thieves entered his house and took his life.

At the time, Ebel, 36, and his wife, Lora, 34, together with their two young children, Levi and Esra, were working with the YWAM base in Athi River, Kenya.  Ebel was leading a project called the Maanzoni Children’s Village, which aimed to develop a village of 8 homes to accommodate foster families caring for up to 12 children each.  The first home had been completed, and Ebel was overseeing the building of the second.

Ebel and Lora did their DTS in Jeffrey’s Bay, South Africa, and went to Mozambique on outreach.  Afterwards travelled in Namibia where Ebel, always one for adventure, encouraged Lora, who was pregnant at the time, to sandsurf down the highest sand dune in the world.

Back in their hometown of Groningen, the Netherlands, Ebel worked as a police officer, but his heart was still in Africa.  In 2008, God led them to Kenya where they joined the Athi River base.  Ebel’s desire for Godly justice carried over from his years in the police force into his missionary calling.  Martin Baraza, the base leader of YWAM Athi River, said, “Ebel was a man that fought for justice, especially for the downtrodden of the community.  He really empathized when he saw children who didn’t go to school…he wanted justice for all.”

Reflecting more on their friendship, Baraza said, “Ebel was a very close friend to me and my family. He was very honest and so forthright in his life.  One thing that really impressed me about him was that whenever he had a conflict with someone, he never let the sun go down…he always went to resolve the conflict because his conscience would not let him leave relationships in a bad way.  He loved people, and his family, and God, and he loved this mission a lot.”

In October, 2010, Ebel, Lora and their kids, together with Martin Baraza, went to YWAM Arua, Uganda to attend the six-week Leadership Development Course (LDC).  During the LDC, participants met weekly in triplets for prayer and encouragement.  Jeremiah Kiwinda, National leader of YWAM Tanzania, was in the prayer triplet with Ebel.  “One of the many things I liked about Ebel,” Jeremiah said, “was that you knew where you stood with him because he spoke his heart.  He was also willing to listen to new ideas, and was open to correction.  I enjoyed him because, even though I’m a leader in the region, he felt free to speak honestly into my life, and that was really precious.”

Beate Kiwinda, who also attended the LDC with her husband, Jeremiah, remembers the times they shared as neighbours with Ebel and Lora:  “I can still see Ebel sitting outside of his room with Esra or Levi on his lap, talking to them, teaching them or just having fun with them. He loved the kids! One day we had the whole neighbourhood of children on our veranda and you can imagine the noise. It was too much for Ebel, but instead of sending them home, he just went and sat in his car and read his Bible. He took the other boys from the YWAM base to the swimming pool and talked to them like he did with his own kids…loving them, training them, trusting them. He was a very special person.”

Among his many talents, Ebel was also a gifted musician.  Throughout the LDC, Ebel played the keyboard with the worship team and blessed us with his passion to seek God. “His heart was to see the kingdom of God moving everywhere,” said Aboud Jondit, National Leader of YWAM Sudan, and the third member of Ebel’s prayer triplet during the LDC.  “He was a lovely man, a visionary man. His heart and the way he lived with his family really touched my life, because his heart was for other people.  The passion that Ebel had…I don’t know who will take that place.”

In truth, no one will take Ebel’s place. He was unique in every way. Lora said of her husband, “Ebel was like an elephant in a China shop…his direct manner was sometimes difficult for the Africans. He wanted to go for truth, the total, absolute truth. He had a passion for teaching and loved to speak on world-view to help people see where change needed to come. When I went to identify him in the morgue, a sense of pride swept over me. Ebel was passionate about his call, his work, how he loved his children, his family, his wife! I felt a great gratitude of having known this man as my husband, and all that he had been able to invest in this continent and in Kenya.”

Garry Tissingh, member of the Africa Leadership Team as well as the LDC school leader and Ebel’s one-on-one mentor, said, “Ebel was a passionate guy who was full of life and who really touched people.  He had this spontaneity to just get into gear and be committed and say what he thought, which to me was very refreshing.  It encouraged and stimulated me to be more spontaneous myself.  He didn’t hide anything; he was just true to who he was.”

True to himself, true to others, true to Jesus. “Truth is absolute!”  Ebel’s physical voice may have been silenced, but his words still resonate in the hearts of the many who loved him.  May Ebel’s legacy live on in Africa, and may the seeds he sowed produce a harvest of righteousness to the glory of God.

8 thoughts on “Ebel Kremer”

  1. YWAM Athi River Mourns Loss of Missionary.
    At around 1am on Friday, 25th February, armed robbers broke into a property owned by the Youth With A Mission (YWAM) team in Athi River, Kenya, 50 km outside of Nairobi. In the attack, 36-year old Ebel Kremer, a Dutch national, was shot and killed. His wife Lora was assaulted during the attack, which took place in their home on the property. Their two children were present, but unharmed. A night watchman was also injured, and is now recovering.

    The Kremers have been volunteers with Youth With A Mission in Kenya since February 2008. The YWAM centre in Athi River runs Christian training schools and a preschool in addition to their focus on caring for local orphaned children. “Homes for Hope and Healing” has been providing community-based care for orphans and Ebel was leading a project called the Maanzoni Children’s Village which aimed to merge with this effort to include a village of 8 homes which would accommodate foster families caring for up to 12 children each. Karin Kea Sued, the leader of the YWAM Athi River center until very recently, says it is too early to determine what will happen to the plans for expansion. “Ebel was overseeing the building of the second of the eight homes,” she said. “We were waiting for the homes to be completed before accepting more children.”
    The YWAM property in Athi River accommodates 25 resident volunteers and approximately 50 other people, including students and visitors were also on the 70 acre property at the time of the attack.The incident is being investigated as a robbery. The police are conducting extensive inquiries and have increased security in the area. YWAM has also engaged additional security.

    Lora Kremer and her children are being cared for by friends in Nairobi and are preparing to return to Holland, where the funeral will be held, later this week. Karin Kea Sued expressed gratitude on behalf of Lora Kremer and the YWAM community in Athi River for the prayers being said for them around the world. She says, “Our hearts are hurting as we are all in shock and disbelief that Ebel has been taken from us so suddenly, and in such a cruel and heartless manner. We have lost a fellow missionary and friend who beamed with energy and determination serving the One we all know to give perfect peace, comfort and eternal life.
    Our prayers and sympathy remain with Lora and their families in Holland.”                        

    As reported in ywamlife.com on 26 February 2011

  2. We are proud when we read such good words about our son, Ebel.
    We are still missing him every day.

     Ebels parents.

  3. Its a great loss for the YWAM. and the spot cannot be replaced to fill the void. Another martyr from Holland one I remember is Corrie Ten Boom Family.  May the GOD revive you out of this loss

    Vinay, India

  4. This morning I remembered Ebel and his family, while sitting in a prayer meeting. I’m thankful for the opportunity to have worshipped with them at church in Karen – where Ebel would often be on the keyboard. I would have loved to have had the opportunity to know them all a little more.

  5. Not a religious man here, but very much a friend and former collegue of Ebel. I still think about Ebel on a regular basis, and foremost his limitless positive energy. Much love to all the people who were close to him ❤️

  6. Just listened ‘Majesty’. It always remembers me of Ebel. I knew him for years and later on we became collegues in Groningen. A great guy and always in for a laugh. He is with his Saviour now. Great to read this testimonial

  7. So nice to read all these comments in which I recognise Ebel very well. It was a blessing to know him as a friend and a brother in Jesus. When we started to know each other in the Bataviastreet in Groningen, The Netherlands, I didn’t realize we both would see each other again many times in Jeffreys Bay SA. When I heard the shocking news of his death, I was driving my car on a traffic circle…I was so shocked that I drove around 2 times…the message did not connect in my head…I had to stop the car…before I realised what happened and cried my heart out….thanks Ebel for everything!!! Love you bro!

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