Peter died after 5 year of courageous battle against cancer. He was the King’s Kids Leader for Eastern and Central Europe. Peter you are greatly missed!
Peter was born in Copenhagen, Denmark in June 29, 1968. He lived a life of adventure, traveling to over 70 countries. His passion was to know God more and to make Him known around the world. He adored his family, never sacrificing his family for ministry. His greatest joy was watching his daughters live a life of passion for God an all He has for them. Peter was an amazing example of perseverance in the midst of immense pain and heartache. He was a man who loved people and desired to create a platform for others to walk out their destiny with God. He will be missed.
Our beloved Peter, we continually remember, before our God and Father, your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ. 1. Thessalonians 1:3
I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. Romans 8:18
Peter Rolf Hinge
June 29, 1968 – November 21, 2011
I don’t know of any person we have prayed for more and I don’t know of a person who prayed more than Peter for healing. But it was not to be, and when he died a deep peace came over me that it’s alright. We battled and it’s not that we lost, heaven won and Peter awaits us there. We feel sad and we feel a lack among us but he is now among the cloud of witnesses. He is without pain and itching and it makes us all long that much more for heaven and for all of us the finish line. We love Peter and thank God that he graced our lives with his, we are different, Eastern and Central Europe are different because God gave us Peter. We await our reunion with Peter on that great and glorious day.
Al & Carolyn Akimoff
Thank you, Al and Carolyn for those kind words. I had not seen the memorial before today and didn’t know that you had written. Love to you both. Shanie
[…] those of you who don’t know CammiAnn, she is the youngest daughter of Shanie and the late Peter Hinge, both long time King’s Kids leaders in this region. We are so thrilled for the whole family, […]