Rod Wilson

DECEMBER 16, 1943-APRIL 12, 2009

Rod passed away on Easter Morning after six months in hospitals struggling from a Brainsteam Hemorrhage. His ability to think was clear but struggled with many of his involuntary movements. There were many other complications along the way number one being infections.

Rod served YWAM for 33 years. He served from his first YWAM work duty of cleaning toilets to an International teacher. He led two SOE and many DTSes. He served in leadership in Kona, Hawaii, Switzerland, New Zealand and Mainland US. Pioneered YWAM’s work in East Africa serve on the UofN counsel, helped pioneer the College of the Performing Arts at the UofN, he wrote, directed and acted in several of his original plays. Rod served four years in New Zealand and his last 5 years in South Dakota, USA. He was a keeper of the Word with a Prophetic teaching ministry and taught in over 70 Nations. He loved students and challenging them with aspects of God’s character they had never considered and leading them into a greater place of intimacy with the Creators’ presence. His greatest joy was to hear the Lord. He loved the Lord and whatever he did he did it with great passion in giving 100% of himself.

Fifteen years ago after a series of trials and healings he embraced his Native American Heritage and began a new journey, which was the most fulfilling of his life, he had a
people. As he traveled and taught he was a spokesman for justice to indigenous peoples.

His wife of 35 years, Alexis will continue to work with YWAM. Their son Lael lives on the Big Island of Hawaii and their daughter Psalm in Sitka, Alaska. Rod’s earthly treasures were his family and the greatest joy, 3 granddaughters.

Look for the publishing of his book, The Voice of the Turtle in the near future. Many of Rod’s teachings are available on CD at


7 thoughts on “Rod Wilson”

  1. Rod Wilson’s recording called simply “Jesus”, remains, I think one of the most impactful teachings to me as a Christian.  A friend brought back the tape after attending the LTS in New Zealand in 1999, a course that was focused on leaders in the Pacific.  

  2. I didn’t know Rod had passed on to be with the Lord. I remember his enthusiasm in Kona. It brings tears to my eyes that Rod embraced his ancestry and it gave him passion. I’m sure many more people would have shared his love and passion for his ancestry if we had known. We adopted a baby girl from Russia 11 years ago with mixed heritage. Her birth-mother was a dark-olive skinned dark haired, and brown eyed and her birth-father blue-eyed and blonde haired. It brings joy to me and I’m sure the Lord that she has pride in her beautiful olive skin and her origin. May we all celebrate the many splendored glory of God as reflected in Rod’s life! Yeah, Rod!

  3. I remember Rod and Alexis before YWAM – on Oahu. Rod was our pastor – at the House of Praise. I witnessed God’s handiwork in both of them- as He prepared them for the journeys ahead.

  4. Rod was my teacher during our DTS in 2001 in Riversdale, Southland, New Zealand.

    He came in the classroom wearing his chief’s outfit, and introduced himself as White Eagle. I remember he told the class that salvation is only found in Jesus Christ. One classmate debated him on this, but Rod like a true Berean was quick to use scripture and settled the argument.

    I was indeed captured during his teachings, and was strengthened in my faith.

    It’s only today that I found out he has joined our Lord. I thank Him for making a powerful testimony in the life of White Eagle.

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