Even though the concept and vision of YWAM Associates was a bit revolutionary given the YWAM models of volunteerism, youth and short-term missions, God clearly led us into this ministry—even before we knew it. In our 12 previous years in the mission, we had always tried to maintain contact with staff and students who had passed through our Kona base.
Then in 1987, God spoke clearly to us that we were to start a new full-time ministry for the encouragement and networking of former YWAMers—worldwide. And furthermore it was eventually to include even those who had been touched by YWAM through Summer of Service outreaches, Mission Builders, King’s Kids, plus parents and children of YWAMers.
That summer of 1987, Donna and I traveled through Washington and British Columbia visiting groups of former YWAMers. In Vernon, BC we visited the home of Don & Caroline Coleridge and followed that up 10 days later with a BBQ picnic for all who had been involved with YWAM—or who were interested. 60 people showed up and we were able to share news of happenings in the mission. A few days later, with God already starting to stir us up about launching out from our comfortable ‘nest’ in Kona, we were in a prayer time with Graham & Treena Kerr in their Tacoma home, when He spoke clearly to us: “Now is the time to start ministering full-time to those who have passed through—or have just been touched by the mission.
Returning to Kona, and then almost a year of fulfilling our obligations there, we moved to Vancouver, BC to establish this new ministry (at the Lord’s clear past and present direction.)
More than ten years previously, in 1977, as we took off from Vancouver airport, the Lord spoke separately to us that, “We would someday be in ministry in that city. We realized we had put that aside for ten years, almost forgetting it. (You can read the whole story in Chapter 12 of “The Last Thing I’d Ever Do,” our story.)
But we didn’t just leave Kona. It was not an easy decision for either Donna or me—after 12 years, we both felt established and at home in Kona. But we submitted the whole vision of our proposed ministry to former YWAMers (numbering in the millions), to the Kona eldership for their prayerful consideration. We were commissioned with blessings, feeling that we were to be an extension of YWAM worldwide, offering appreciation to those who had served in the mission, and encouraging continued spiritual growth and effectiveness in their own sphere of society.
Later, we were fully blessed and commissioned by YWAM’s Global Leadership Team.
Please read through our mission statement and guiding principles. Follow the links on the previous page.
Initially, after getting established in Vancouver, we started publishing a little printed magazine called inTouch and the first mailing in late 1988 went to approximately 600 addresses worldwide. By 2005 this circulation had increased to 24,000, at which point for several reasons—including the Lord’s direction—we ceased printed publication and went totally electronic with our new e-zine named eTouch. Our daughter had Laurie joined us from the beginning and is still with the ministry along with her husband Peter Worrall. Many others have served with us over the years – too many to list.
After four years of apartment rentals, in 1992 we needed to expand the ministry to include other staff and to provide a place of rest for former YWAMers and other Christian leaders. We started to pray for a suitable place. A house came on the market in June, just as we were leading a Renewal Camp in Chico, California. Our speaker was Dan Sneed, and in attendance was Glenn Sheppard, both Board members. Between them, they wrote a letter to our 10,000 subscribers telling of our house vision, signed it and encouraged us to mail it out. They had evidently heard from God, but there was one challenge: $5000 was needed for postage.
In faith, we had the 10,000 letters printed, the envelopes and labels prepared—all we lacked was the $5000 for postage stamps. Out of the blue, our friend John DeVries called, saying, “Do you have a need?” The rest is history.
Thus was birthed in Richmond, BC, the House of Peace, a home we purchased with a down payment of gifts small and great from former YWAMers spread over 60 nations. We lived there until 1999 when we moved to Deroche, BC.
From 1990 until the present day, we have organized and directed hundreds of one-week Renewal Camps (also known as Gatherings). In those early days we managed to do as many as 12 a year, all in summertime—whether Northern or Southern Hemisphere—so that entire families as well as singles and couples could attend. These camps & gatherings continue to this day, now mostly directed by others who have joined the ministry.
During this time we published the book Re-Entry, created for missionaries of all stripes to assist them in their transition from missions to life at home. The book has continued for 20 years as a steady performer, with close to 100,000 printed. All proceeds go to the ministry of YWAM Associates.
After six years in Deroche, BC, in 2005 we sensed the Lord leading us to Medicine Hat, Alberta where our daughter Julie and her family lived and ministered among Canada’s First Nations. The Lord miraculously provided a small home for Donna & me, and with the proceeds from the Richmond House of Peace sale, we were also able to purchase a condominium as an office and residence for Laurie. Later when she married Pete and then adopted a baby, they had to find other accommodations due to condo rules (age 40 and above). This condo is now functioning as a House of Peace for leaders with need for shelter.
It has become evident that in each region and country in which we operate, there is a different and unique expression of the ministry. This is good. However, it seems important that from time to time, those involved in the ministry should meet, get to know one another, pray and worship together, and exchange ways to enhance and improve what we are doing.
Currently the ministry is active to one degree or another in Europe, North America, South East Asia, the Pacific Islands and in Australia/New Zealand.
North America (inc, Kona, Hawaii)
From 1990 until the early 2000s, we organized and directed inTouch Camps in several US states (Idaho, Washington, California, Texas, Minnesota, Hawaii, Virginia & Missouri), and in British Columbia, Canada.
In the early 90s we started inTouch Camps in England, Holland, Sweden and Norway (directed now by Lidvard & Ingalill Andreassen). Roy & Shirley Jones then became European Coordinators and added Switzerland, France, Germany and this year Italy & Romania. In 2008 and 2009, Europe was extended to include Israel (!) where two camps were held.
South East Asia
Since 1995 we have helped direct annual Gatherings (Camps) either in Singapore, Malaysia or Indonesia. The early pioneer was Gwenda Loong, who handed over responsibilities in the early 2000s to the able foursome of Hui Koh, We-lin Chee, Kim Ngoh & Kit Leong.
New Zealand
Since 2001, three camps have been held at Orama on Great Barrier Island, with six more from 2001-2006 at Crystal Springs YWAM base in Matamata, where George & Dianne Dingle hosted us. Jim & Ali Wescombe, who served for several years as NZ Coordinators, also directed camps at Rotorua and on the South Island. Until recently, Dave & Wendy McQuoid carried on the ministry with the help of an able team; they are taking a break just now.
From 1997-2009, Peter & Beverley West planned and organized an annual camp at Merroo in the Blue Mountains, just west of Sydney. Sadly, Peter passed away in 2010, but Beverley will stay involved. Steve Aherne, YWAM National Director, along with Glen & Marg Auty, have for some years organized weekend ‘Refresh’ retreats in the Melbourne area. In 2011 this expanded into a four-day ‘Refresh’ camp near Newcastle, NSW, and in 2012 this grew further with several shorter versions taking place in Tasmania, Victoria, South Australia and New South Wales.
Other camps have been held in the Philippines, Taiwan, Thailand, Fiji and with ex-pats in China, where Roy Christian is our Coordinator.
Recently U of N credits have been offered for Writers’ Seminars (Shirley Jones & Vae Eli, coordinators). There may be other credit opportunities for Specialized gatherings.
Peter & Donna Jordan
Peter Jordan pass to his reward on May 22nd 2019