Explore our recent editions of eTouch.
October 2019: From Donna’s Heart – Peter’s Story
Dear YWAM Family, In this last edition of eTouch I would like to share a... -
February 2019: I’m NOT a Preacher! Are You?
February 2019 “Hello again to our faithful readers of eTouch . . . Please forgive... -
November 2018: Pride and Stupidity Seven Miles Up
November 2018 A note to our precious family . . . Due to several health... -
September 2018: Embracing Today’s Culture
September 2018 Embracing Today’s Culture “. . . I told you not to associate with... -
August 2018: The Scandinavian Scandal
August 2018 The Scandinavian Scandal Not many years ago, on a missions base in a... -
July 2018: A Visiting Preacher
July 2018 A Visiting Storyteller For July What follows is funny and profound. You will... -
May 2018:The Bitter-Sweet Ministry of Saint Margaret
May 2018 The Bitter-Sweet Ministry of Saint Margaret Saint Margaret was my Mother, though I... -
April 2018: Happiness, Contentment & Joy
April 2018 Happiness, Contentment & Joy These conditions are a rare threesome, and we all... -
March 2018: Family Day
March 2018 Family Day What a wonderful idea! To recognize the importance of God’s plan... -
February 2018: The Life of Faith
February 2018 The Life of Faith Most believers seem to think that what is... -
January 2018: Double-Dipping
January 2018 Double-Dipping Double-dipping is generally considered to be unethical—if not outright illegal. It can... -
Christmas 2017: The Christmas Paradox
Christmas 2017 The Christmas Paradox I’ll never forget that Christmas. During the lecture phase of... -
November 2017: Some Reflections on The Ministry of Women
November 2017 Some Reflections on The Ministry of Women Some simple thoughts from a fairly... -
October: Once Was A Stripper
October 2017 Once Was a Stripper Finding Your Place In my early search for significance,... -
September 2017: What’s Your ‘Use-By’ Date?
September 2017 What’s Your ‘Use-By’ Date . . . and other reasons not to do... -
August 2017: Shack’nTrump
August 2017 Shack’nTrump The times, they are a-changin’ Bob Dylan This is neither a... -
July 2017: Struth
July 2017 ‘Struth Today, this is a little-used word—it’s short for ‘God’s Truth.’ Sadly it... -
June 2017: Humble Barney – Part 2: Edged Out?
June 2017 Humble Barney Part 2: Edged Out? The rest of the story follows, but... -
April/May 2017: Humble Barney – A Story In 2 parts
April/May 2017 Humble Barney A True Story in 2 Parts From our survey of admirable,... -
March 2017: How Not To Interpret Dreams
March 2017 How Not To Interpret Dreams A song from Disney’s Cinderella goes, “A dream... -
February 2017: Father-like He Tends And Spares Us . . .
February 2017 Father-like He Tends and Spares Us . . . It happened again. .... -
January 2017: Are You Living by Faith—or by Fate?
January 2017 Are You Living by Faith—or by Fate? Some people live by fate; their... -
December 2016: Born In A Barn
December 2016 Born in a Barn If someone insults you by asking, “Were you born in a... -
November 2016: Armed and Dangerous
November 2016 Armed & Dangerous Right outside our window flows a river, about 100 yards... -
October 2016: Fearfully and Wonderfully Made
October 2016 Fearfully and Wonderfully Made Fearfully? Really? The meaning of the word ‘fearfully’ in... -
September 2016: Full Circle
September 2016 For 40 years God has taken care of all our family’s daily material... -
August 2016: Wide, Wide as the Ocean . . .
August 2016 Wide, Wide as the Ocean . . . Wide, wide as the ocean,... -
June-July 2016:A Mighty Man Lies Weakened.
June–July 2016 A Mighty Man Lies Weakened (physically, that is . . . ) In... -
May 2016: More Of What The Bible Doesn’t Tell Us . . .
May 2016 More Of What The Bible Doesn’t Tell Us . . . Part 2 ... -
April 2016: Double Call–Outs
April 2016 Double Call–Outs At a very young age, I was ‘called’ to be a... -
March 2016: Excellence Crucified
March 2016 Excellence Crucified Back a few years ago, there was a television commercial by... -
February 2016: What the Bible Does Not Tell Us
February 2016 What The Bible Does Not Tell Us . . . (and some questions... -
January 2016: Those Dark Days
January 2016 Those Dark Days This is midwinter for us Northern Hemispherites (or are we... -
December 2015: refugee
December 2015 refugee someone who has been forced to leave a country because of war... -
October–November 2015: Giving & Getting
October~November 2015 Getting & Giving Paul said to the Ephesian church leaders, ”. . .... -
August-September 2015: Special Edition
Out of Order This edition of eTouch is unique, personal and quite unlike anything we’ve... -
July 2015:The Family That Eats Together . . .
July 2015 The Family that Eats Together . . . A Lost Art? Growing up,... -
June 2015: Sin Is In!
June 2015 Today, as we go about life, we notice that generally speaking, conscience and... -
April 2015: Reality? , , , Shows?
April 2015 Reality? . . . Shows? TV and various other digitalizers (that’s my word... -
February 2015: Unsung Hero
Donna and I are blessed with three fine sons-in-law. I say they’re ‘fine’ because among... -
March 2015: Got Wisdom?
Got Wisdom? My Mother, who becomes more saintly in my memory each day, taught me... -
January 2015: Have a BLESSED New Year
Donna’s Corner Dear Friends, As we begin this new year according to our calendar, I... -
December 2014: Getting Ready To Turn The Page
A mini-eTouch for you this Christmas . . . Donna’s Corner Getting Ready To Turn... -
November 2014: The 4–14 WINDOW
This month, Donna comes first! Donna’s Corner Dear Family, “Whoever welcomes one of these little... -
October 2014: Freudian Slips and Other things . . .
Freudian Slips and Other Things I Missed in Psych 101 Do You Know Your Own... -
September 2014: Ed’s Excellent Vacation/Dear Family
Ed’s Excellent Vacation The sheep have been dipped and clipped and are now lying down... -
August 2014: How Would You Answer This Question?
So, you’re walking along a busy city sidewalk on your way to lunch. Suddenly, an... -
July 2014: What Do You Think About Evolution
What Do You Think About Evolution? Relax! Calm down, have a cup of tea!... -
June 2014: Cigareets & Whuskey . . .
Cigareets & Whuskey . . . and other prohibitions A... -
May 2014: Selfies
Selfies Selfies are all the rage today. By definition, a selfie is a self-portrait photograph,... -
April 2014: Fools Rush In . . .
You may find this month’s Sheep2Sheep a bit weighty and out of character to what... -
March 2014: Frugal or Cheap?
Frugal or Cheap? That is the question . . . * Careful or Stingy? *... -
February 2014: Give & Take
February is a short month, and Ed has been a little short of time due... -
January 2014: Sitting In The Mall, Watching All The Peeps Go By . . .
Sitting In The Mall, Watching All The Peeps Go By . . . I love... -
December 2013: Grace
Grace “What’ll we do with them? There’s no room at the inn!” sighed Darlene Cunningham,... -
October 2013: Which would You Prefer? ‘Happy’ or ‘Joyful’?
Which Would You Prefer? ‘Happy’ or ‘Joyful’? The bumper sticker on the car ahead... -
September 2013: Familyness, Belongingness & Loneliness
‘Mama Dar’ (Darlene Cunningham’s Mom), the oldest-ever full time YWAMer, is now enjoying her heavenly... -
August 2013: Ugly is as Ugly Does . . .
Ugly is as Ugly does (Actually that’s a tweaking of Forrest Gump’s life verse which... -
July 2013: Great Falls!
GREAT FALLS! No, this month is not about the great and magnificent Niagara Falls; nor... -
June 2013: “Ladies & Gentlemen . . . “
Grace and Peace . . . that’s the way Paul began each of his letters... -
May 2013: Mysogynistic Me?
Many Happy Returns – from Mars!” Sadly, that?s a misleading and deceptive greeting—in actual fact... -
April 2013: Have You Eaten?
If you live on the top side of of the Blue Planet, our hopeful greeting... -
March 2013: A Puzzlement
Early Easter Greetings! Rejoice during this time of loss and victory; sadness and joy; death... -
february 2013: Pride Comes . . .
Hello Friends, It’s good to be back with you in this short month of February.... -
January 2013: The War Of The Words
Welcome to the 25th year of continued contact with our great big, wonderful and worldwide... -
December 2012: Christmas in China/ Mary
Christmas in China It was my worst Christmas. Our missionary family had been invited to... -
November 2012: dis·abil·i·ties
Happy Holidays America! (We’re trying to stay ahead of the times and be Politically Correct... -
October 2012: Tender Times
Hi & Welcome! This month we have something old, something new, something borrowed . .... -
Spetember 2012: Bad News – Good News
“G’Day Digger! Owergoin’mateorrite?” “Grouse Mate! I’m off to a Refresh. “So what’s a Refresh?” If... -
August 2012: Content or Contentious? / Kingdom Come!
First this month, an Apology: Humor Can Hurt Two months ago we ran a photo... -
July 2012: Bells and Smells/The Fear of the Lord
“Happy Holidays!” to those who are enjoying summer in the northern slice of our planet... -
June 2012: Used, User or Useful?/Peace
“Mucho Gusto!” One of the Spanish meanings of this greeting is, “With much pleasure!” And... -
May 2012: Nobody Wants to Lose Their Reputation
“Comment ça va?” How goes it? In French, to which we hope you can reply,... -
April 2012: Forever Friends
“Waramutse!” or “Waramutse ho!” Our greeting this month comes from Rwanda, and the one for... -
March 2012: Music Music Music
“”Wotcher! Awright?” is a greeting you might receive from someone born within the sound of... -
February 2012: Home Sweet Home
“Bonjour, comment ça va?” roughly translated meaning, “G’day mate, how’re ya goin’?” which of course... -
January 2012: Firsts – An Upsidedown Bucket List
“PIE-vah!” or “Hello!” from the home of Angry Birds, mobile phones, wintry-dips-in-icy-lakes . . .... -
December 2011: JOY.
Donna & I & bring Christmas Greetings from Polynesian Islands we have had the privilege... -
November 2011: Proud Pride & I’m so Humble Pride .
Halo Mafren! is our warm Solomon Islands ‘pijin’ greeting to you this month. What a... -
October 2011: Jesus & the Women He Touched . . .
“Ciao!”—and for good measure—“Buon Giorno!” the greeting you’d receive in Italy. Ahhh Italy, such a... -
September 2011: Letter From Home
“Have you eaten?” is often the “Hi-how-are-you?” greeting in Singapore, and your polite answer would... -
July 2011: Foxhole Buddies
“Cka po bë?” is how you say , “What’s up?” in Kosova (at three years old... -
June 2011: The Horrible Parable
“Sup bro” (or sis) – is our South African hello this month, to which you... -
May 2011: Honoring . . . A Lost Art, Or A Lost Grace?
“Ow de body?” is Sierra Leone’s greeting this month, and to which your reply could... -
April 2011: Here & Now like Then & There
Kuhreestos harryav ee merrelotz! “Christ is risen from the dead” ~ an Armenian Easter Greeting to... -
March 2011: Behind The Veil
“Sawaddee!” is once again our greeting, this time from Myanmar (formerly Burma), and the actual... -
February 2011 Surpise Reprise
(Pozdravi) – or Tung, Serbian and Albanian greetings . . . both being languages of... -
January 2011: The Road Less Littered
“Sawadee” is the gracious greeting from Thailand that we extend to you. So, here comes... -
December 2010: They’reAlways Around/Honor
“Glória a Deus nas alturas!” Sort of, “Wow God!” (Actually, it means “Glory to God... -
November 2010: The Last Thing I’d Ever Do
Oi gente! Tudo bom?”That’s Portuguese for, “Hey guys, how’s it going?” eTouch is written mainly... -
Help Me God, I’m All By Myself
Help Me God, I’m All By Myself By Jeff Herringshaw I’m an introvert. And unlike... -
Costa Rica UofN Report: JoEllyn Wright
Costa Rica UofN Report: JoEllyn Wright God has really been speaking to us as a... -
One Little Vowel – A Love Story From Africa
“One Little Vowel” A Love Story from Africa (from Wycliffe Bible Translators) Translator Lee Bramlett... -
Dannie Hawley’s ‘Double Call’ testimony:
In 1989, I served for several months at a Christian Rehab center in North Carolina....