50 editions of the YWAM Associates Magazine were published from late 1988 until we closed the series in the spring of 2005.
The number of readers gradually increased from 700 to about 35,000 by the 50th edition. We ceased publishing in obedience to the word of the Lord to us, not for any other reason. We believed – and still do – that a new version of the YWAM Associates Magazine will be published, and we await the revealing of the ones who will take it on.
Meanwhile, sit back, pour a cup of coffee, and enjoy these back issues. Mark Lee and I sure enjoyed putting them together – but many, many others were closely involved in the production and the worldwide mailing. . . those who gave, those who contributed with articles and letters, those who joined us for the joyous “Lick ‘em & Stick ‘em” mailing days, which were really more like parties than work.
Thank you to the hundreds who made it all possible – and a special ‘Thank you’ to Mark Lee who made the Magazine look the way it did.
Peter Jordan, Editor