April 2016
Double Call–Outs
At a very young age, I was ‘called’ to be a missionary to China. Well truthfully, I had no choice—I was born there! The youngest of four children in a missionary family, I grew up as a foreigner in that densely-populated and mysterious nation.
I never knew any of my grandparents, because World War II got in the way. By the time hostilities ended (do they ever end?), all four grandies had gone on to their rewards. One of them—my Mother’s Dad—had the only claim to fame (that I know of), in our family tree. He was an athlete and a County cricketer in England, more than a century ago. And I believe he was an outstanding Christian.
To me, China was—and is—my home and native land, and I lived there until I was 11 years old, having no idea that my life was different from other kids anywhere else; even though 3 1/2 of those years were as a civilian prisoner-of-war.
In my heart, China is still my motherland.
Somehow, a few years ago, an ancient King James Version of the Scriptures came into my hands. It had belonged to a man I’d never met, my maternal grandfather. In his beautiful script, in dark black India ink, he had penned rich notes of his studies and findings in the musty, worn-out old Bible’s wide margins.
As I leafed through that Old Book, its pages sun-browned and well-worn by much use, I came across what seemed like a treasure hunt set by my grandfather; one reference-clue leading to another, back and forth through the precious book. Come with me on this search that my unknown ancestor had laid out so many years before. The hunt is not chronological, and you’ll find out why, because each call-out was unique in its message.
Throughout the Bible, God called many men and women to service. He still does to this day. But are we listening? Sometimes in the written Word, God’s call to His people needed extra oomph—and so He called their name twice at the same time . . . double call-outs
Our treasure hunt starts in the book of Acts, and each call-out has a slightly different ‘twist’ to it. Take your time and try to read all the verses surrounding each ‘Call.’
Saul! Saul!
The Call to Conviction & Conversion
[Acts 9:1-31, esp. vs4-5]
Samuel! Samuel!
The Call to Serve
[1 Sam 3:1-21, esp. v10]
Moses! Moses!
The Call to Holiness & Back to Service
[Ex 3, esp. v4]
Abraham! Abraham!
The Call in Testing
[Gen 22:1-19, esp. vs11]
Simon! Simon!
The Call of Warning
[Luke 22:31, esp. v31]
Martha! Martha!
The Call of Reproof
[Luke 10:38-42, esp. v41]
Jerusalem! Jerusalem!
The Call of Compassionate Reproof
[Matt 23:37-39]
Perhaps you have heard a call to service—whether it be at home, in an office, classroom or hospital; or in some foreign land . . . What was your response?
I had to have two call-outs, because I gave up on the first one. My two calls came 25 years apart. I was disobedient and lacked perseverance to the first one at age 18, but God gave me a second chance. You can read about those calls in my book, “The Last Thing I’d Ever Do.” (Chapter 1: Fat, Dumb and Happy.) For a free copy—you pay only the mailing costs—contact YWAM Publishing click here
It’s true that as followers of Jesus, all of us are automatically called to serve Him. But specifically, how? That’s the question, and Jesus wants to tell you, in detail, if you don’t already know. And He’d really like to get personal about it.
Many Blessings—and keep your ears open!
“In an age where being a
revolutionary is traditional,
then being traditional is revolutionary.”
Australian Prayer Network
I have this awful vision of two buildings side-by-side
An Invitation From Loren
Click on photo for a short video
Sean Lambert, Convener, is asking for 100 Volunteers who are needed in the Food Services areas. Those that are willing to serve will receive free food and housing (dorm style), and pay no conference fee. We will have an 8 hour, morning/afternoon shift and an 8hour afternoon/evening shift. Each volunteer will have a part of each day where they can attend some of the corporate meetings.
If you can help, please click here to contact Monica Lee, coordinator.
Donna’s Corner
The Father of Lies
Dear Family,
Satan is the “father of lies.” [John 8:44] His first words on earth questioned God’s instructions to Adam. [Genesis 3:1-4]
Today, who does he lie to? You and me, if we allow him, that’s as long as we don’t counter his lies with truth. Sometimes people lie in order to hide their own sin. [Gen.4:9] God hates this because He can see our hearts. What we need is more fear of the Lord, which is hatred for sin. [Prov.8:13]
Satan is an accuser of the brethren—our brothers and sisters in Christ. [Rev.12:10] If we accuse one another without knowing the truth, we are being used by our enemy, Satan. He is out to rob, kill and destroy people and relationships, through his lies. [John 10:10]
We may tell a person something that is partial truth, or what we perceive to be truth; but first we need to know the whole truth before we say anything. Often we speak ‘in the flesh‘, because we don’t trust God to speak; or we get impatient.
Jesus knew what was going on in Judas’ heart, but he waited until the right time to reveal it to the other disciples; they hadn’t known that their fellow-traveler was a betrayer. And they had walked with Judas for three years!
The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth, and He will reveal truth to us—if we listen to Him; He only speaks what is on the Father’s heart. [John 14:16-17]
If the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth, through whom does He speak truth? You and me and the Word of God. Jesus kept saying, “I tell you the truth,” and then He would speak out that truth. I love that.
Occasionally I get offended by what people say about others. My response is, “I don’t agree,” and then I give it to the Lord. Jesus gently corrects me sometimes, and says, “I thought you gave that to me, so why are you going back on your word?” When I truly leave my offense with Him, I don’t dwell on it, and in time I forget it.
My friends, let’s believe truth about each other and be speakers of truth, in love. The truth sets us free, and as we speak truth it will set others free.
During our journey here on earth, each of us often needs to decide, “Am I going to be on the enemy’s side and be an accuser of my brothers and sisters; or am I going to be on God’s side, walking in forgiveness, knowing the power of prayer and speaking out the truth.
Let’s keep asking God what the truth is.
Love & Blessings,
2016 Camps & Gatherings in Europe & USA
July 10-July 16 – Sighisoira, Romania: with Mariette Louw
July 25-July 30 – Skjærgårdsheimen, (Kristiansand) Norway: with Donna Jordan
July 31-Aug 06 – Champagne, France: with Carl Tinnion, Leader YWAM UK
Sept 4-Sept 10 – YWAM Together: A Family Gathering, Kansas City, USA:
This is a gathering for anyone who is in, has been in, wants to be in, or supports YWAM in any way. Come and celebrate FAMILY!
YWAM Together website: http://ywamkc2016.org/
. . . and Finally
Is The Whole Bible Inspired?
All scripture is inspired by God—yes, every word! We Believers hold firmly to that truth. But is the punctuation in God’s Word inspired?
Many years ago I heard Keith Price, a close friend and well-known Canadian Bible teacher, speak in a church meeting; he explained the question of punctuation, by taking us to Galatians 5:22-23:
“. . . the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control . . .”
Commas and semicolons and question marks and quotation marks and such, and even chapters and verses, were all added in later by scribes, according to their own understanding.
From the quote in Galatians, Keith suggested that if we change the first comma into a colon, nothing is added or subtracted from God’s Word, but it would read like this:
“. . . the fruit of the Spirit is love: (which is) joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control . . .”
Love is pre-eminent, and perpetually percolates through the fruit which hangs from the branches of the tree of love. Love is elevated.
“For God so Loved . . . “
“Love the Lord your God . . . and your neighbour as yourself.”
“Love overcomes . . .”
“The greatest of these is love.”
“Love never fails.” (True love, that is!)
As my Donna would disarmingly ask, “What do you think?”
Till next time,
The Small Print
that often gets missed (but is important to us!)—and the whole ministry of YWAM Associates—is for the encouragement,
building up, inspiring, refreshing, stimulating and the thought-provoking of the saints.
Are you a saint? If you’re reading this, you probably are.
To help us continue this ministry, donations are gratefully received. click here
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in any way that will glorify God and advance His Kingdom
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Editor, Peter Jordan; Regular Contributor, Donna Jordan;
Copy Editor, Laurie Jordan-Worrall; Mascot, Ruth Worrall