Christmas 2017: The Christmas Paradox

Christmas 2017

The Christmas Paradox

I’ll never forget that Christmas.

During the lecture phase of our first YWAM school, our family of six had lived in a smelly old olive-drab army tent for three months, high up on the side of a mountain in Kona, Hawaii. For our local outreach we moved into a more palatial dwelling named The House of Barnabas. 39 of us in total, including 19 kids, were crammed into a rental house on Hamburger Hill (just above McDonalds). We soon longed for our tent, which had been infinitely more peaceful!

Leading up to Christmas, my first month of outreach was with King’s Kids, a ministry that had just been started and led by Dale & Carol Kauffman. All four of our children were part of the troupe that would present a 30-minute musical presentation of The Nativity of Jesus, in churches, hotels and wherever we could find an audience.

My role was Advanceman/Soundman for each hotel and church performance. First I would contact the pastor or hotel manager and offer him or her our version of the Christmas story. Upon agreeing to a date and time, I would arrive at the appropriate location 30 minutes ahead of the troupe, where I would set up the sound system—a fairly simple job—even for non-techie me. Two small speakers, a mike and a soundboard, were my tools.

Sometimes, with more than one engagement per night, I would have to break it all down after the first performance and rush off to the next place and set up all over again.

One night, the presentation was on a vacant lot, right across from the harbor and breakwater. Quite a crowd had gathered along the sidewalk. I was just a spectator that evening, but will never forget what unfolded before my eyes.

Mary, seated next to the manger, was holding the baby Jesus, with a worried-looking Joseph beside her, and surrounded by other costumed kids, all dressed appropriately as shepherds and other ‘local’ Bethlehem-ers. A live donkey and some sheep completed the scene—you could actually smell the smells of a barn.

Suddenly, there was a distraction. From higher up on the empty lot, there came a crashing sound. Everyone’s attention switched from the manger to this startling intrusion. Through some thick bushes emerged a groaning and bleeding man, wearing a torn and ripped robe. A thorny crown was jammed down on his head. He dragged himself along under the weight of a huge wooden cross—it appeared that a crazed hippie, was out to spoil things.

It was actually Rod Wilson, one of our schoolmates. Now co-producer of this lovely little Christmas pageant, he had inserted himself into this ever-familiar scene, so as to add drama in presenting the reality of the complete story of Jesus on earth—from birth to death.

It was high drama all right! We in the audience, still unsure of what was playing out before us, became more and more horrified as this dishevelled man continued to lug the brutal, roughened and rugged cross—right through the crowded stable. He paused and scanned the crowd before him with searching eyes, then abruptly disappeared down the street.

It’s a good thing the young actors surrounding the baby Jesus knew ahead of time what and why was coming . . . the rest of us sure didn’t!

We must never forget the connection between Christ’s humble birth in a stable and His cruel death on the cross. Now He wears a majestic crown as Savior and Lord of the universe.

A blessed Christmas to you and yours,


Donna’s Christmas Corner

Christmas Blessings to friends who are family, and family who are friends.

We thank God for each one of you and how you are taking the Kingdom of God into every sphere of society.

The Kingdom of God is RIGHTEOUSNESS PEACE and JOY in the Holy Spirit. [Romans 14:17]

May you sense God’s Joy and Peace as you abide in His Love this final month of 2017 while celebrating the birth of our Lord Jesus who will soon be returning as King of Kings. [Rev.19]

There is no retirement in the Kingdom of God, we just slow down a bit and maybe rest more. In His presence there IS rest. [Ex 33:14]

“LISTENING TO GOD” is still my one and only theme. There is such a hunger to hear God’s voice. I teach and Peter continues to write—and we are blessed to have family and friends around us.

‘Shalom’ is an amazing word in the Hebrew. Where there is shalom, there is tranquillity, justice, sufficient food, clothing, housing and so many other things.

In the midst of all of life’s turmoil, may you have much shalom this Christmas!

We love and appreciate you very much,



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Editor, Peter Jordan; Regular Contributor, Donna Jordan;
Copy Editor, Laurie Jordan-Worrall; Mascot, Ruth Worrall