October 2011: Jesus & the Women He Touched . . .

“Ciao!”—and for good measure—“Buon Giorno!” the greeting you’d receive in Italy. Ahhh Italy, such a romantic place (pun intended).

 is DNA-ish of Youth With A Mission and is brought to you by the folks at YWAM Associates International. It is for all who know us and still love us (to know us is to love us).

Jesus & the Women He Touched . . .
and Was Touched By

For men, nothing compares with the gentle, comforting and tender touch of a woman—a touch that goes beyond the physical. The vast majority of us were nursed and carried on our mother’s arm and dandled on her knees . . . mothers provide comfort (and a special kind of love).
See Isaiah 66:12-13

I was launched into this world blessed with two women who touched my life and gave me comfort and human warmth: my mother, and my nine-year old sister Ruth who must have mollycoddled me when I showed up from the hospital. Imagine a nine-year-old sister with a baby brother handed to her. Is there any wonder that Ruth and I have been bonded throughout our lives?

My mother died when I was 18 and I saw my sister occasionally after that; and then at 19 I met Donna, who became my foremost feminine focus right through our first year of marriage; and then that focus widened when Donna multiplied, giving us three daughters in a row. So, women have been of enormous significance in my life.

With Jesus, we know what a saintly mother he had; we also know about the huge influence and transformation he had upon a number of women in the course of his life . . . and yet I wonder how their lives touched his. While comfort came to him from his Father in heaven, did he receive ‘touchy-feely’ human comfort from close friends Mary and Martha—and others? Did the “fully man” part of Jesus need comfort?

Was Jesus ever tempted to lust for a woman? Of course! OK then, when Jesus saw a suggestively dressed woman, did he ever take the ‘second look’? (Guys, you know what I mean.) Here’s Hebrews 4:15—and note the double negative for added emphasis:

“For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been tempted in all things as we are . . .

“ . . . yet without sin.”

Who were these women who touched Jesus?

  • His mother Mary, who knew more about him than any other human being, and who treasured what she knew, yet kept it all inside. Such a godly woman must have helped mold his early years.
  • Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Susanna and many others, who were the major part of Jesus and his 12 disciples’ financial support system. Sure, Jesus ministered to them; but they ministered to him. (Luke 8:1-3)
  • Martha and Mary’s special gift to him was friendship and hospitality, and Jesus often touched their lives.
  • The widow who gave her two last coins in turn gave Jesus an opportunity to praise her and leave with us today the principle of giving our all. (Mark 12:41-44)
  • The adulterous Samaritan woman at the well, from whom Jesus asked a drink of water; who then had her life turned around by Jesus, rushing immediately to start a revival among her people. (John 4:1-42)
  • Another adulterous woman received Jesus’ forgiveness and affirmation, giving Jesus the opportunity to expose hypocrites. (John 8:1-11)

And of course there were others

The woman with the alabaster box of perfume; the Canaanite woman who needed something and wouldn’t give up until she got it; the woman with the long-term hemorrhage who knew how to get healed; Mary of Bethany who anointed Jesus just before his death (she brought ‘flowers’ before the funeral); and finally, the many women who stood with Jesus at the cross when his men all faded away in fear. Each of these women gave something of themselves to Jesus.)

Men, let’s assess what we have given to the women in our lives. So I ask myself, “What have I contributed to the benefit of the women in my life?”

Son-ship to my mother? Sadly, not much there.

Brother-ship to my sister? Not bad.

Husband-ship to Donna? More and more, I trust.

Father-ship to my daughters? While they all affirm me, I know I could have done a lot better.

And these days, grandfather-ship to my four young beauties? Now there’s a field of dreams.

toward all women?

Better and better.

Temptations still hang around, there’s no blanket immunity. “Dear Father, we men need strong wills to resist ALL temptations; please give us the heart to treat all women in purity, honor and respect—as Jesus did.”



Grace is an ability . . .
a divine enabling to be, to do, to go through

Sin is normal . . . but not natural
If lying is ‘normal,’ a lie detector – or polygraph – would not catch untruths (sweat and other bodily reactions betray us)

Hearing God’s voice is not a gift . . . it is a skill developed by practice

Sovereignty: God is in control . . . but he doesn’t control everything

Brokenness is not a journey . . . it is a destination (blessed are the poor in spirit)

My feelings are real . . . but they’re not always the truth

This ‘n That from Here ‘n There

*OK, Peter, I just about fell off my chair laughing at your photo wearing the wig! You’re such a fun guy. Actually, you look a little like Mel Gibson’s William Wallace in “Braveheart.” Cool. Jeanne Lyman

Can’t figure out what Jeanne is talking about?
(Hint – look at the bottom of the page)

*Ponder this . . . Not that a YWAM marriage is a guarantee of success, but DTS is a pretty good foundation for life together. (Living what we learned about hearing God’s voice—and obeying—humility, mutual submission, forgiveness, WHO God is, a heart for the nations along with a heart for the lost . . . and on and on.) Living it?

*Thanks for including the responses to the Economics 101 posting, including mine… I just discovered the game called SPENT and thought it was an interesting exercise (on how to live on very little), so here it is:

Nancy, I tried it and it’s definitely not like the Angry Birds game!

*This book is thirty years overdue (George Verwer, Operation Mobilization) . . . Re-Entry should have been written by William Carey (Dick Hillis, Founder OC International)

To purchase Re-Entry,
just click on the book,
then search for “Re-Entry”.

*Sa bi bi la?  “Have you eaten?” in Burmese. Greetings from Yangon! Thanks so much for this month’s eTouch, I felt right back into the ‘family’ again. It’s sometimes difficult to feel connected while here. Ann Kipfer

*Carrots, Eggs and Coffee

You will never look at a cup of coffee the same way again.

A young woman went to her mother and told her about her life and how things were so hard for her. She did not know how she was going to make it and wanted to give up. She was tired of fighting and struggling. It seemed as if when one problem was solved, a new one arose.

. . . for the rest of the story, click here

Donna’s Corner

 Honor to Whom Honor is Due 

Dear Family,

God has really been speaking to me through His word and by His Spirit in the area of honoring. There is so much in the Bible about honoring, and God’s promises to us if we practice this dwindling grace.

A few thoughts:

FIRST, honor God, and your descendants will be blessed (Numbers 25:10-13). God said, “Those who honor Me I will honor.” (1Sam 2:30) All honor and thanks to Him who sits on the throne!

Honor the Lord with your wealth and your barns will overflow (Prov 3:9-10).

Honor your parents, which means show them respect. God will show you how if it is difficult (Ex 20:12; Matt 15:4).

Honor the elders who direct the affairs of the church well (remember elders, humility comes before honor—Proverbs 15:33—for they are worthy of double honor, especially those whose work is preaching and teaching (1Tim 5:17).

Respect and honor those who work hard among you and over you in the Lord and who instruct you (1Thes 5:12).

Honor God with your body, it is the temple of the Holy Spirit. You are not your own, you were bought at a price (1Cor 6: 20). Marriage should be honored by all . . . (Heb 13:4).

LAST, honor one another above yourselves (Rom 12:10). Be devoted to one another in brotherly love (1Cor 12:21-26). If one part of the ‘body’ is honored, every part rejoices with it.

Oh! to be more like Jesus and walk in God’s ways! My prayer the last few days has been, “May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.” (Psalm 19:14).

We can’t talk (with anointing), what we don’t walk.

Let’s all finish the race well, keeping our eyes on Jesus.

Love and Blessings,  


Renewal Camps & Gatherings


Nov 17-20: Singapore Renewal Gathering with Dan Sneed hosted by our YWAM Associates team, with Peter & Donna
Contact: gathering2011@ywamassociates-singapore.com


Jan 13-15: Oxford, New Zealand with YWAM speaker Mark Parker
Contact: Click here to email Jeanetta McQuoid  phone: (07) 8831722

Feb 26-Mar 3: Kona MedCamp Gathering with speaker Dr Don Tredway, is for all healthcare professionals and those in training, e.g. medical students, nurses and physiotherapists, etc. This Camp will be organized by YWAM Associates International, and is being held in conjunction with University of the Nations’ Medical DTS led by Dr Bruce & Barbara Thompson. If you sense God leading you to attend this MedCamp, mark your calendar! Full Registration details will be in this space next month, but in the meantime let us know if you are interested.
For MedCamp Registration info click here!

For Medical DTS info, click here.

More Camps & Gatherings coming in 2012 – stay tuned!

And Finally . . .

This is so beautiful—a Salvation Army headline that boldly states:
“We combat natural disasters with Acts of God”

Till next time, be blessed,



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Peter Jordan, Editor, Copy Editor: Laurie Jordan-Worrall