October 2016
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made
Fearfully? Really?
The meaning of the word ‘fearfully’ in Ye Olde English is ‘extremely’ or ‘to the highest degree’; and the word fearfully has little or nothing to do with being frightened (unless you’re thinking about the Fear of the Lord; but that’s something that is Joy Dawson’s territory—you can read her book; just click on it to order).
Come to think of it, when we consider the human body, soul and spirit, perhaps we should feel a little ‘revere-fear’ because of the unique manner in which we’re put together; unique because no other species of life has the ability to love God—and of having the choice to worship Him for who He is. Or ignore Him.
David, in his creative way with words (especially as translated in the good old King James Version of the Bible), describes how God intimately and even to the extreme, knows all about you and me—our body, spirit and soul—from even before we were conceived. What an awesome and caring Creator!
A while back, as I sat waiting in my eye doctor’s examination room, I did a little examining of my own. Hanging on the wall were various pictures and diagrams of the parts of the eye, and for the life of me I couldn’t conceive that the intricate manner in which it was all assembled, was in any way not created by a Supreme Being.
When the doctor came in, I immediately said something like, “Wow! Isn’t the eye an absolutely incredible thing?” He came right back with, “Yes indeed, isn’t evolution amazing?” I felt deflated, like air whooshing out of a balloon, and I knew he wouldn’t have time to discuss this (and in any case, I was intimidated; I’m no scientist).
So in his view the eye, the human body—and all the rest of creation—are not the handiwork of a Supreme Being? Give me a break!
In most of today’s halls of learning, the theory of evolution is taught as being an established fact. If you state otherwise, you’re likely to be mocked and ridiculed. God has become irrelevant in most people’s lives.
But our God is an awesome God, who loves us and cares about every detail in every human being’s life. Why would He not care? He is the One who fearfully and wonderfully made us.
If we are to better the future we must disturb the present. Catherine Booth
I want to point out to you that once we begin to make what suits us the measure of what is right, we’re on a slippery path that goes downwards to a horrible mess. Derek Prince
If you carry an offense, you will more than likely give offense (to others). Donna Jordan
Hurt people, hurt people. Will Bowen
The truth suffers from too much analysis and not enough application. Frank Herbert
Faith leaps to the voice of truth and responds to no other sound.
Donna’s Corner
Dear Family & Friends,
I have been thinking and pondering a lot lately about the Ten Commandments that God gave us; especially the Third one.
“You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.”
The Dictionary defines the word vain as, “Without real significance, value or importance.” But for God’s people, I think it is deeper than that.
“You will not misuse the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses His name.” [Deut 5:11]
I don’t believe that ‘misusing the name of the Lord is only what we in the western world call, ‘swearing’ or ‘cursing’—using foul language. [Prov 10:32; Col 3:8; Eph 4:29]
The third commandment is specifically addressing the use of God’s name.
What does it mean to use God’s name in an empty or vain way, or to misuse His name? God does not want us to use His name falsely to invoke authority, or to say something He didn’t say.
We’ve all most likely had someone tell us that we said something that had never even crossed our mind. It can be very damaging to our character and it is misusing our name to obtain something. I remember walking with a well-known leader who said, “What people say I said, I’ve never even heard.”
In the last years, I’ve heard more and more people saying things like, “Thus says the Lord . . .” or “God told me to tell you . . .” or “I have a word from the Lord for you . . .”
Or even this: “God told me that if you send us ($100? $1,000? $10,000?), you will in turn be financially blessed . . . (or healed).”
Using God’s name in vain is very serious. It damages His character and reputation through false and unsure claims. Before you say something like this, ask one or two respected and mature believers to confirm it. [Deut 4:2; 12:32; Prov 30:5-6]
I usually say, “I sense this is what God is saying,” or “I think this may be what God is saying, but first test it.”
I have found that praying (or conversing with God), together with three or four others, is a real safety. When we all have a witness in our spirits about something that we sense is from God; that it truly goes according to His Word and brings us closer to the Father’s will, then we can speak with one voice what we believe we have heard God saying.
Presuming what God is saying, or not listening to all that He is saying, or adding to what He has said, can lead us or others into deception and is misusing the name of God.
We all need ‘the fear of the Lord,’ which is to hate evil and is the beginning of wisdom. [Prov 8:13; 9:10]
Love and Blessings to you
. . . and Finally

Christmas is Coming in About Two Months
Upon hearing this, many in the so-called Western world would think, “Hmmm, 60 more shopping days.”
Toymakers, clothing manufacturers and other retailers are way ahead of us—Christmastime for them is their Big $$$ Bonanza. They placed their orders for what they project will be hot items in cheap-labor countries months ago. These products are probably already stocked in their warehouses, about to be shipped to retailers and displayed on their store shelves before we even hit the horrors of Hallowe’en; some products—the late ones—may still be bouncing around on some gargantuan container-ship, plowing through the high seas.
Hey! Coming up in December, is the time of year when we Christians have chosen to celebrate the birth of Jesus. It’s not intended to be the time to feed the TV-inspired craving (or is it lust?) for the hottest new kids toys such as the Sky Viper Drone (only $130), or Snuggles the Dream Furry Puppy that falls asleep in your arms (just 50 bucks).
OK, I‘ll dismount from my high horse.
Would you come with me back to my childhood in China—perhaps not a typical place for a Western kid to grow up—but not that different from our own Christmas culture back home. Certainly my brothers and sister and I hoped (and maybe even prayed) for one special gift, but Mom and Dad’s lips were sealed as to what that might be. The waiting and anticipating was painfully and excruciatingly exciting.
By early September, family and friends had already mailed their brown paper packages tied up with strings (and sealing wax). Gifts for our family (English Christmas plum pudding, gloves and other supposed goodies), would already have been a month en route—letters and parcels from home took three months by ship to get to us. FedEx & UPS weren’t even a dream, and Air Mail was yet to come.
But the reason for celebrating the birth of Jesus was still central to us in the days surrounding December 25th. But of course we didn’t have to choke under the obscene and lust-inducing deluge of media messages extolling this or that trendy, ‘must-have’ gift.
Gift? More like grab.
The gift is Jesus.
The fine Print
that often gets missed (but is important to us!)
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Editor, Peter Jordan; Regular Contributor, Donna Jordan;
Copy Editor, Laurie Jordan-Worrall; Mascot, Ruth Worrall