‘For I have betrothed you to one husband, to Christ, so that I might present you as a pure virgin to him.’ 2 Corinthians 11:2
There are so many things that Jesus spoke about or referred to that we don’t fully understand because they were spoken to people of another culture, and in a context that is not relevant to us.
In this book Mo shares how the stages of the Jewish wedding in the time of both the Old and New Testaments show an amazing correlation to ours, as the betrothed bride of Christ with Jesus our Bridegroom. Inside you will discover –
- The Matchmaker
- The Dowry we have been given by our Father
- What is included in our Marriage Contract
- What it means to stand under the ‘chuppah’
- The Cup, the Blessing, the Ring, and much more….
It is Mo’s desire to give you understanding of the fullness of what the Lord has promised to us, personally, as His betrothed bride. How much He loves us and is committed to us; and how we are in the amazing and privileged position of being chosen by Jesus to be one with Him, to share His life for eternity!
“Mo unravels the deep symbolism of the traditional Jewish wedding and its parallel through Scripture. As the Bible’s marriage metaphor is revealed, we are swept up into the sacred romance, discovering how our heavenly Father has sent His holy Matchmaker to find the perfect bride for His beloved Son. Her research and rich Bible knowledge have helped to put pieces of the Bible’s jigsaw together. Reading the book is like being in Luke 24:27 on the road to Emmaus and discovering more of ‘what is said in all the Scriptures’ concerning Jesus. This book will teach you, inspire you and enrich your relationship with Jesus.” Catherine Butcher, Editor of Day by Day with God and founding editor of Families First magazine
Available to purchase as a Paperback book via the Shop on Mo’s website
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